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nptel microwave video lectures

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10 Jan 2008
DIGIMAT - The InterNe(x)t Generation's Digital Learning Platform based on HTML-5 Standard.
12 Mar 2015
Module 1 · Module 2 · Module 3 · Module 4 · Module 5. Module 6. Waveguides. Lecture 40 · Lecture 41 · Lecture 42 · Lecture 43 · Lecture 44. Lecture 45. Visualization of modal fields · inside rectangular waveguide · Lecture 46 · Module 7. Module 6 : Wave Guides. Lecture 45 : Visualization of Modal fields inside Rectangular
NPTEL provides E-learning through online Web and Video courses various streams.
NPTEL LINKS. Sem. :- ECE VII. Subject. :- Microwave and Radar Engg. Section. TOPIC. NPTEL Links. A. Introduction to EM waves and various techniques of communication Propagation constant,. Characteristic impedance and reflection coefficient.
Watch 'Transmission Lines and EM Waves' Video Lectures ('Electronics and Communication Engineering' course from 'IIT Bombay') by Prof. R.K. Shevgaonkar - Lecture: 'Modal propagation in rectangular waveguide'
12 Mar 2015
Lecture -44 Transverse Electric Mode in Rectangular Waveguide. Lecture -43 Rectangular Wave Guide and Transverse Magnetic Mode. Cutt-off Frequecy of TE and TM mode.
31 Dec 2007
